Slug bait toxicity
Posted in: Companion Animals

Last month we discussed how toxic antifreeze can be for our pets, this month we’re covering another common household product that can be fatal if eaten by our pets.
Slug bait is used by many gardeners to control slugs and snails in vege gardens. Unfortunately, the same ingredients that make slug bait attractive to slugs can also attract our pets.
The toxic ingredient in most baits is Metaldehyde, and it is readily absorbed from the gut and goes on to affect the nervous system. This often leads to seizures, which if not controlled can lead to death.
Symptoms vary depending on how much toxin has been ingested and treatment needs to be started as soon as possible to give you pet the best chance of survival.
In many cases, treatment involves medication to control seizures, sometimes an anaesthetic and flushing of the stomach or treatment with activated charcoal to absorb as much toxin as possible.
Prevention is the key so if you are using slug bait at home please make sure your pets can not get access to it.