Expert Advice

Companion Animals

Is your pet’s microchip registered?

Microchips are essential for reuniting lost pets with their owners. It’s as simple as placing a chip the size of a grain of rice under their skin, this can be carried out at any time but is often done at the same time as vaccination…

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Safe behaviour around dogs

Getting a dog is a big responsibility and having them well trained and socialised from an early age is essential.  We run regular Puppy Classes where you can learn about how best to care for your pup and we teach you the basics of training…

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Caring for a new kitten

Summer time is kitten season!  If you’ve just brought home a cute little bundle of fluff, here’s what you need to know.

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Intestinal foreign bodies

One very common, and very avoidable, cause for a vet visit is when a pet has eaten an object that’s become lodged in their digestive tract (we call them digestive tract foreign bodies). The signs of an obstruction can vary depending on where abouts in…

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Slug bait toxicity

Last month we discussed how toxic antifreeze can be for our pets, this month we’re covering another common household product that can be fatal if eaten by our pets. Slug bait is used by many gardeners to control slugs and snails in vege gardens.  Unfortunately,…

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Cat friendly vet visits

Cats are typically very territorial, and can find new places, faces, and scents quite stressful. Being bundled into a carrier and then driven to the clinic can make them understandably anxious. Here are a few ideas for ways to make your pet cat’s visit less…

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Antifreeze toxicity

Winter is the time of year when everything freezes- but hopefully not your car!  It’s a good time for a reminder about antifreeze toxicity in pets. Antifreeze (or ethylene glycol) is a substance found in engine coolants that prevents the fluid from freezing.  It has…

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Litter tray tips for cats

Toileting problems are one of the most common behavioural issues reported in cats. One possible cause is an inadequate litter tray (in the cat’s eyes!). Here are a few tips to provide the best litter tray conditions. 1) Always provide a tray, even for outdoor cats. …

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Toxic algae

As summer gets underway, taking your dog to the lakes or a river is a great way to keep cool and enjoy time with family. Unfortunately, warm weather also causes Cyanobacteria, a type of toxic algae, to grow rapidly. It can grow on the bottom…

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Ibuprofen toxicity in dogs

Important Information for Pet Owners Ibuprofen is a commonly used over-the-counter pain reliever for humans, but it can be extremely harmful and even life-threatening to dogs. This information sheet is designed to help you understand the dangers of Ibuprofen toxicity in dogs and what to…

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